40 x 40, An Update

Good day friends!

As of today, according to Sir Google, there are officially 1,357 days left until my 40th birthday. Ugh, lol!

Last year, on my 35th birthday, I published a list of 40 things (HERE) I wanted to accomplish before I reached that milestone birthday. That of course was before my world fell apart, back when I thought my life (in the short term at least) would be much brighter than I now see it (dimmed by my dad’s illness and ultimate passing, followed by a global pandemic). Despite everything that has happened in the last year, I haven’t given up on this challenge, but I have decided to rewrite the list. I even made it one of my 20 Goals for 2020 (HERE), and I have achieved that goal, hooray!

So why rewrite? As I’ve gotten incrementally closer to 40 with each day that has passed since I wrote my first iteration of this list, I’ve become more anxiety stricken and perhaps superstitious even… prior to Pandemic News 24/7, it seemed like there were A LOT of stories on the news about issues in the air (like they reported something crazy every day). It started making me very panicky about the the thought of flying. Many of the items on my list involved travel that would require taking a plane. So that’s why I decided to ditch the original list (not completely, and I didn’t remove ALL travel goals) and start over. This also gave me the opportunity to replace some other things on the list that I had changed my mind about.

I won’t go on at length about each item, but if I’ve started (bolded), or made progress/completed (bold italic) any of them already I will note it below. So without further ado, here is my new and improved 40 x 40 list! 

  1. Become a fur-mama
  2. Grow a vegetable garden I grew peppers (and some herbs) last year and plan to do so again this year, plus some!
  3. Be more natural
  4. Go on local adventures
  5. Visit Boston in the fall
  6. See the Grand Canyon
  7. Find relief from chronic back pain
  8. Practice Pilates again
  9. Get strong
  10. Learn Italian
  11. Design books
  12. Write and publish an e-book
  13. Start refinishing furniture
  14. Design/make/sell jewelry
  15. Learn hand lettering/ script handwriting
  16. Perfect my signature
  17. Take more pictures
  18. Save more money
  19. Eat a Mediterranean diet
  20. Develop a proper skin care routine I had this one crossed off at my last checkin (HERE) but since then my skin has gotten fussy, so this is still a work in progress.
  21. Practice meditation
  22. Practice gratitude
  23. Create art more regularly
  24. Consume art and culture
  25. Become a member of an art museum
  26. Read 40 books Am up to 16 books since last January, so I’m definitely on track!
  27. Be less selfish
  28. Be less serious
  29. Live with less
  30. Start a YouTube channel
  31. Learn to say hello in 40 languages
  32. Start an Etsy shop
  33. Reboot blogging Done! Here I am!
  34. Whittle down my wardrobe (create a capsule?) Working on this as part of Living With Less…
  35. Start sending birthday cards & snail mail
  36. Reach 100 Instagram followers and post consistently
  37. Keep up with world news
  38. Be a better housekeeper & homemaker
  39. Do regular digital detoxes
  40. Find balance

Do you have a life wishlist you’re working on?

Many thanks and much love,

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

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