Monday Musings // 5.11.2020

Happy Monday! And another week has passed…

Last week, in my little work bubble, I returned to what seemed like semi-normalcy… well, as normal as normal can get right now. It was normal-ish in that after working from home on Monday, I was back in the office every day for the remainder of the week. I must say that I have gotten a little too used to my one day in, one day at home alternating schedule! I had to get dressed in real clothes every day! That being said, it wasn’t all bad. Both the other CSR and I were in the office at the same time because our boss was out of the office… because… he and his wife welcomed a baby girl on Wednesday night! Congrats!!!

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Monday Musings // 5.4.2020

So, how was YOUR week?

Mine was… interesting.

First, I want to say that I am totally and utterly grateful that I’m able to remain employed during this crazy time in our lives. I do not take it for granted. I certainly don’t want to come off in the wrong light. Because I know that my reality pales in comparison to those on the frontline, those who are the most essential workers. And to those who are out of work and struggling to make it through these difficult days, weeks, months. But the truth is that I am finding that I get very overwhelmed at times. 

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Monday Musings + Week In Review // 4.27.2020

Good morning! How ARE you?!

Welcome to my first Monday Musings and Week in Review! I want to use this space each week as a place to jot down random bits from life of late, to talk about things that aren’t necessarily design and home decor related, and to chronicle what’s been happening so one day I can look back and see what life was really like at age 36… and in the midst of a pandemic.

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