Hello everyone! I have a very important announcement to make: I turned into the Grinch today, hahaha…
I’ve been doing so good at getting into the Christmas spirit. No, of course, it wasn’t all tinsel and twinkle lights. Yes, I got stressed out over decorating hangups, this dang HOA plumbing thing that’s taking forever and being way behind on shopping! But other than that I’m doing quite well at creating mostly holiday themed content for the blog and have been making spirits bright—jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!
I think (actually, I take that back, I know) I was spoiled last week though. Work was winding down from it’s normal chaos as the holidays approach, and it was SO nice. I had just enough to keep me busy, but also had time at the end of the week to clean out a lot of the junk I’d been hoarding in my office for YEARS. I should have known it wouldn’t stay like that this week. Because that’s always the case. Right before a holiday the flood gates open. And I shouldn’t complain, I’m not really complaining, because it’s good to have the work coming in. Keeps us in business. But I couldn’t help but get a little grinch-y about it when the week before had been so lovely. And today is Monday, so there’s that.
On top of the unexpected influx of work, I was dealing with some neck and back issues that made me more of a crank. Yay.
Normally I would come home, have dinner and just chill on the couch. Which, let’s be real, usually leads to falling asleep on the couch. Â But I tried something different tonight. I tried to rectify the situation by straightening up, making something yummy for dinner and continuing to do my Christmas decorating (so I could update last Saturday’s post and get tomorrow’s post ready). I’m not sure if it worked. I certainly didn’t get everything done. But I did get some stuff done, and it’s always good to be productive. So while I was feeling grim for a good part of the day, as I sat back and reflected, I realized it’s important to appreciate the little things. Focus on the good. Don’t discount the small tasks you check off your to do list, everything counts for something. So before you say bah humbug, practice some gratitude instead. It just might do the trick!
And NOW it’s time to fall asleep on the couch… I mean, go up to bed, haha