Before two days ago, I didn’t know what this post would say.
Since my dad’s cancer diagnosis in April, I’ve teetered between abandoning the blog and/or reducing the number of posts I planned to put out there, not wanting the stress of missing self-imposed deadlines adding to my life at the moment. But somewhere along the line I decided I needed the sense of normalcy that I’ve come to know. So, whenever time allows, I’ve been writing as many posts in advance as I can.
But this is one I couldn’t write in advance.
On Thursday, June 13, my dad underwent the 12 hour surgery to remove the cancer that had invaded our lives, uninvited and unwelcome. My mom and I anxiously awaited word from the doctor, and I’m so happy and so relieved to report that he made it through and that they got it all. And he’s beginning his recovery like a champ. His optimism and determination is amazing, even in the face of this devastating diagnosis. He truly is a superhero! My hero.
We’ll be spending this Father’s Day, and many more days, in the hospital, as he heals and rehabs. We’re still so early into this journey, and it will be a very long one, but now we’ve taken that first, slow, shaky step.
And, Doo, I’ll be there every step of the way. Love you so much, and am so proud of you and your spirit.
Love you! ❤️
Love you sweetie 🙂