Hello friends! Another quarter down, can you believe that? Tomorrow is already the freaking 4th of July!
If you’ve come here anticipating an account of all I’ve achieved in the last three months (as the fireworks in the featured photo may have lead you to believe), you won’t find that today, lol… however, if you’re looking to commiserate, I’m here for ya! I have only been mildly productive in achieving my Q2 goals, which I’ll run through quickly here (you can read last quarter’s full post HERE) before outlining what I want to achieve this quarter. And if you rocked all your goals like a boss, high five! Go you!
If you’ve read the blog recently, you’ll know my life has been in a state of upheaval since my dad’s cancer diagnosis (if you missed it, you can read the posts HERE and HERE). So I’m giving myself some grace, being there for him and supporting him in his recovery is the priority right now. And I’m reminding myself that I have not failed at these goals, there’s always opportunity to try again. Whether that be this very instant, tomorrow morning, next week, in a month or two, or never. Life is short, we’re not guaranteed anything, as I’ve recently learned all too well. If it’s a priority, we’ll figure out how to get it done. If it’s not, so be it.
All that being said, this IS a review after all, so let’s see how I did despite the odds, shall we?
Leftovers From Q1…
- Stop Dropping The F Bomb: um, I think I’m doing this less. But not consciously trying to avoid…
- Track my Eating and Exercising: I am not exercising and I fell off the Noom wagon at the end of April when everything happened with my dad. Back burner for now, though I think I have some new, better eating habits that have stuck. I think logging does help me be more accountable and have success, but I don’t necessarily need a subscription to do that. And I am planning to be more mindful about fitting exercise in this second half of the year. We’ll see…
- Take Care of Junk Mail Immediately: nope… but I do want to reattempt!
- Be more consistent (blog and social media): the blog is going strong, but social media isn’t. At all, lol…and I’m okay with that for now. It will happen when I’m ready to make it a priority. Or it won’t.
- Get stronger: nope… but definitely want to work on this, part of my “exercise more” scheme, or exercise smarter!
- Use my phone less: my phone stopped showing me the weekly usage reports. I’m not sure why. I know I go on Instagram a lot less, but in general, not sure how this is going…I’ll have to dig around in my settings to get those reports again.
- Stop Saying I’m Sorry: still say it, maybe less, maybe not. Want to reattempt this one too.
- Go On A Spending Freeze: got through the first freeze, broke the second for some sandals I HAD. TO. HAVE. lol… am going to rework the parameters of these freezes somehow… still TBD! Next one starts on 7/17…
- Make updates to my website: nope…
- Start an Etsy Shop with Printables: nope…
Q2 Hobby Exploration Goals
- Cooking (April): this was a success! At least for the month of April…
- Reattempted Photography (April): eh, took some photos but would hardly call it a hobby.
- Gardening (May): I was gardening my booty off in May, and then June storms came and basically destroyed it all hahaha… well, not all of it. But a lot of it! Stay tuned for my garden makeover reveal later this month.
- Jewelry Making (June): nothing to show here, bought supplies and that’s about it. Will attempt this month or next or who knows when?
Q2 Blog/Business Goals
- Attic Overhaul: I outlined the plans for this HERE, but I waited too long and now it’s too hot up there to work on it.
- Outdoor Spaces: see above…
- Post on Instagram at least 1x per day and Stories 10x per day: nope…
- Update and start posting updates on my LAF Lines Facebook Page: nope…
- Start promoting my blog posts on Pinterest: nope…
- Work on creating content upgrades to build an email list: nope…
- Etsy Shop: work on the Printables from Q1 and add some Jewelry designs by end of Q2: nope…
Q2 Personal Goals
- Prioritize Physical Therapy & Moving: nope…
- Be a Better Housekeeper/Homemaker: eh…sometimes, lol…
- Time Management & Planning: I have been getting to work on time, even early most days. The planning, not so much.
Goals for Q3
My mental space is quite crowded these days, and as I mentioned in my intro I need to give myself some grace with all of the goals I originally plotted out. There are seasons in life for achieving like a boss, and seasons when you have to allow yourself to rest. Nevertheless, despite some unexpected setbacks, I’m optimistic that I’ll be able to push through and work on some of the goals I have been less than successful with so far this year, and since I had plotted out some goals for the remainder of the year I am hopeful that I will make some progress toward achieving these goals as well:
Hobby Goals
- Painting (July)
- Sewing/Textile Design (August)
- Bullet Journaling (September)
Mini “Makeovers”
- Entry update
- Kitchen update
- Dining update
- Stairway update
- Bedroom update
- Office update
- Etsy Goal: Textiles
- Create LAF Out Loud (newsletter)
What are your goals for Q3?
Many thanks and much love,
Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash
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