Hello, hello! Long time, no write!
I’m back after an unintentional, month-long (plus) hiatus! And just in time to recap my first 100 Day Challenge. Today is Day 100!
In case you missed the intro to my 100 Day Challenge, you can catch up HERE. And I shared 25-day-point and 50-day-point check-ins, HERE and HERE, too. The gist: I chose nine goals, over three broad categories, to tackle over a 100 day period.
So how was it? I think all in all this was good for me. It helped me focus on a specific set of goals, and it distracted me from the stresses of the real world when I needed it most. I didn’t succeed at everything on my list (had about a 66% success rate), but I’m satisfied with the process, and my progress. So much so that I plan to do another challenge starting later this month!
But first, let’s review how this one turned out, shall we?
- Phase 1 of my Bathroom Renovation: I did it! And I’m SO happy with the results! I still have one small task to do, and had to give up on one because it wasn’t going to work the way I wanted, but overall I’m very satisfied and proud of myself. Next week I will be sharing the reveal!!!
- Shred all the old Financial Paperwork: I did 0% of this task, but am migrating it to my next 100 Day Challenge.
- Recommit to Health & Fitness
- Drink More Water: I didn’t keep track of ounces, but I did limit my intake of soda and NA beer like I had wanted to (this never was a problem, I just tried to be more aware of it when I did choose something other than water). I might have strayed here and there, but I’m okay with that. Progress over perfection, right? Not officially going back on my list for the next Challenge but will always be something I strive for.
- Eat Fewer Processed Foods: Since my last check-in I have definitely stopped buying as many processed foods as I had previously, I have cut dairy out almost completely and I started eating a lot more fruit and veg. If you read my 40 x 40 check-in post (HERE), you might recall that I had been experiencing sudden, unexplained joint pain. I started journaling my food intake and how my body felt each day as a result. I haven’t actually evaluated my notes for any cause and effect, but my joint pain has subsided considerably (thank goodness). It might be a fluke, or it might have to do with my diet modifications. Same as with water, will continue to make this a goal in my life.
- Do PT Every Day: I did really well with this for quite some time, until I didn’t. Will be recommitting to this!
- Create A Capsule Wardrobe: I started to pare down my clothing, but I have not curated a capsule. Will try again!
- Post consistently on Instagram: I would consider this one a success, once I actually started it. I set up a schedule to post every other day at my 9-5, and I made sure to plan ahead so that I wasn’t flying by the seat of my pants. I used Planoly to schedule my posts in advance and that made it so much easier. I plan to do daily posts moving forward, and I want to start posting on Stories and do more liking/commenting on posts of the accounts that follow us and those that we follow as well.
- Promote this little blog over on Pinterest: I didn’t do any promoting on Pinterest, will try again in the next Challenge!
- Start my printable shop on Etsy: I still want to do this, but for logistical reasons I’m pushing it until sometime in 2021.
Will you join me on my next 100 Day Challenge?
Many thanks and much love,
Photo by Floris Andréa on Unsplash
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