Hello! Me again!
First and foremost, I want to wish a very Happy Birthday to my BFF, Francesca! Welcome to 36, darlin! What a year this has been, and the best is yet to come for you, and for Pat and your little family! Love you!
Besides commemorating my bestie’s birth, this day also marks the halfway point of my second 100 Day Challenge! Haha!
Back in September, which seems so long ago now, I shared my goals for the remainder of the year (HERE). I am here to report on the progress I made, or in some cases, didn’t make…
- Get Organized!!! To say I made any real progress on this goal would be a lie. I didn’t make any fake progress either. I am starting to work on my organizing index though, which I mentioned in my Living With Less Organization post (HERE). It’s slow going, but it’s better than nothing, right?
- Do A Daily Top 3 At my last checkin (HERE), I said I needed to reframe my perspective and rather than pick three goals above and beyond the normal, to just prioritize what I already have to do so that at least the top three things are likely to get done. I didn’t do this. And I then brainstormed another reframing. Pick weekly goals, and then make sure that one of my top three is something that gets me closer to achieving that goal for the week. I have yet to try this either, ha!
- Do It The Night Before This goal isn’t working for me. Or I’m not making it work for me. I’m not putting in the effort like I should be. I don’t feel like I need to do it the night before anymore, so debating if I should keep reattempting this one!
- Finish 20 Goals for 2020 List
- Be A Calm Considerate Driver – I fear this will always be a work in progress, but the point is to be aware and to try to remain calm when a normally triggering event occurs…
- Organize the Attic – Still have not been up there, maybe this weekend…before it turns bitterly cold. At the very least I want to take better stock of what’s up there (part of my organizing index!)
- Spend Less Money, More Time – Still watching my wallet, being frugal and not making *too many* impulse buys.
- Put Up Xmas Decor by 12/1 – Still don’t know if I’ll decorate this year, but if I do, it won’t be until 12/1!
- Practice Discipline – What’s discipline?
- PT! PT!! PT!!! I have done my exercises a few times. Not consistently enough to make a difference. Only when I’m desperate. And I was desperate on a few occasions, when sciatic pain was crippling me beyond what the normal morning stiffness does. I am not giving up on this, I can’t. Maybe it needs to be one of my Top 3…
- Morning Walks (4-5x/week) We turned the clocks back on 11/1 and now the mornings before work are so much lighter. I have walked a handful of times since then. It is COLD! But it feels good! I hope to be able to brave the decreasing temperatures for as long as possible and make the most of these early sunrises. And once it’s either too cold, or too dark, I plan to actually make use of my fitness room to get my cardio in before work.
- Strength Train (2-3x/week) Nothing to report here. I plan to start weaving this into my mornings and/or evenings as I move through the rest of this challenge.
- Post on Instagram This was one of my 100DC2 Q1 focuses, but I had intended (and still do) to continue working on it throughout the whole challenge so that it becomes a natural part of my being. But the truth is that it’s supposed to be part of my job (at my 9-5), and it doesn’t have to be natural—it just has to be done. So I need to prioritize this task. I think I only posted once for in these last 25 days. I have been brainstorming different ways to make a cohesive grid. I think I get hung up on the overall look and feel and let it prevent me from posting…need to get over myself there!
Q2: October 17 – November 11
- Hall Closet Mini Makeover I had every intention of squeaking this in right before the wire, but some last minute plans cropped up and I lost my window of opportunity. But the plans have been laid and it will be finished very soon, stay tuned for the reveal in the next couple of weeks!!
- LAF Lines Home Page I worked on building a proper home page for this site over the past couple of weeks, but I recently realized once I got the layout to work (and look) how I wanted on my desktop that it was not responsive and would not work as is on my phone. I am actually considering migrating my blog platform in the new year, and will implement it then. That is, if I can’t figure it out on my current platform in the meantime. I have some admin and coding work to do, both of which could make my decision for me. Stay tuned!
And a reminder of the upcoming goals I want to tackle…
Q3: November 11 – December 6
- Pinterest – this may or may not happen…
- Vanity Corner Overhaul – this will!
Q4: December 6 – December 31
- YouTube – this may or may not happen…
- Shred Old Financials – this will!
Sensing a theme? lol… Reminding myself to have grace and self compassion, as I work on my goals, rework my goals, or if I decide to abandon them for now, or forever, and for whatever reason. Self improvement is an ever evolving prospect. Some things cannot be forced. Remembering that there’s always next time… or there isn’t. Either way, I am, and will be, okay!
How are you doing today?
Many thanks and much love,
Photo by Kendall Scott on Unsplash