I am not the type of person who puts the TV on just to have some background noise. In that one way I am not my mother’s daughter. I’d much rather sit in silence if I had to choose between the two. I’m more likely to have my favorite music playlist going, or to listen to a new album on repeat. But when I go to the gym, I have found that I prefer listening to podcasts more than music. It’s kinda strange, but I love it. Don’t get me wrong, the perfect song with the perfect beat is magic. Starboy by The Weeknd, that has some magic. But before I turn on any music, I tune into an episode of a favorite podcast. I have a few on rotation right now that I’d love to share with you today.
Category: Fitness
My Health & Fitness Journey // UPDATE
On my birthday this year I weighed in about 30lbs heavier than my ideal/healthy weight for my height. And for my own emotional well being. I know “they” say you think you’ll be happier if you lose the weight, but will you? Only time will tell I suppose, but I wanted to get back in control and do what I could to take some of the pounds off. Doing it on my own hadn’t worked up to this point.
BBG Pre Training Recap
Pretty much every attempt at BBG goes something like this: start pre-training and kill it day one; wake up day two and can’t sit down or stand up from the toilet (or anywhere really); continue on and make it through week two and then either hurt myself and/or catch a cold; then bail and beat myself up for not making it through yet again. Then repeat.
BBG Pre-Training Week 1 Check In
Good morning, happy Saturday and happy weekend!
So guys, I did it! I actually started BBG this week like I said I was going to in this post. Yay!!! I made modifications for my back and fitness level, and I didn’t follow everything superrr strictly, but I did something! I still sweat up a storm and was sore the next day. And I’m proud of myself for doing it. So I wanted to come on today and just check in with you all, and give you the scoop on how it went!
Continue reading “BBG Pre-Training Week 1 Check In”Make It A Habit // Health + Fitness
Hello, happy Wednesday! I’m jumping on the blog today with a post about fitness, injuries, my relationship with exercise and my goals moving forward.
Continue reading “Make It A Habit // Health + Fitness”