Living With Less // Simplify My Routines

Happy December, y’all!

First of all, I can’t believe it’s December already, and that this year is almost over! Second, HALLELUJAH! And third, how cute is that alarm clock?? lol…I digress!

Today I am excited to delve into the final pillar in my Living With Less plan: to simplify my routines. I really need this, now more than ever. Not that I’m a particularly high maintenance woman, but lately I’ve been feeling a little lost. I’m hoping by simplifying my routines and bringing everything back to basics that I can reboot my outlook too.

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This Is The Remix

Welcome to another Wednesday!

Today I am introducing a mini home remix series that I will be revealing over the next few weeks… or maybe months, if I’m being honest with myself! So, what is a remix, you say?

Part of my Living With Less journey (you can catch up on all the posts HERE) is to pare down the decor and furniture pieces that don’t have meaning or spark joy. But there are items I’m not quite ready to part with yet. I’m not THAT good at living with less! 

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Full Time Capsule Wardrobe

Happy Wednesday, my lovelies!

If you joined me last week you know I wrote all about my plans for whittling down my wardrobe (HERE), and how I also want to simplify getting dressed by creating a capsule wardrobe. Today I’m going to jump a little deeper into the details.

I had investigated how to implement a capsule wardrobe in the past, and the idea intrigued me. I’ve even half heartedly attempted it once or twice before. But I didn’t want to have to recreate the capsule every season, as many other capsule evangelists will suggest. So my compromise was to do a full time, ongoing capsule. Essentially, I’m curating a minimalist closet that works in a cohesive way all year round.

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Living With Less // Whittle My Wardrobe

Hello, hello!

Confession: I’m often overwhelmed by the contents of my closet. And dresser. And bins under my bed. And the shoe cubbies that my TV sits on. And then figuring out how to make any of these items into an outfit I like. The truth is, I have way too many clothes (and shoes!), and in an effort to live more minimally, it’s time to start whittling my wardrobe (which just so happens to be the next installment in my Living With Less series)!

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Living With Less // Improve Organization

Good morning! 

I have struggled to write this post for quite some time now. No, actually, scratch that. I’ve struggled to start this post for quite some time now. I didn’t even get to the writing part.

This post was originally scheduled for mid-July, then the end of July, then early August, but I just had no idea what to write about, so I kept pushing it back farther and farther until finally it landed here today. Hello! I’m ready now!

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Living With Less // Paring Down Decor

Hello friends!

First, how is it July already??

Second, a funny thing (or two) happened after I wrote the introduction into my Living With Less series (HERE). In that post I said, “I’ll never be an all white with touches of cream and beige kind of girl” and after I published it I suddenly started to see that scheme EVERYWHERE (ever get a new car and suddenly see them all over the road?? Yea, like that!) and now I find that subtle color combo to be QUITE appealing… when it’s done right, it’s done right. It can be warm and inviting. I’ve seen evidence (on Pinterest, of course). What can I say?

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The Junk Drawer

Hello all! How’s it going out there?

Last week I shared some of the tips (HERE) that have helped me in my quest to tackle clutter. One of the tips was to clear off flat surfaces, with a quick-fix option being to just put everything that didn’t belong on the counter/table/floor into a box and to shove the box into a closet. We are probably all more familiar with this concept as it exists in the form of a junk drawer, or sometimes… a junk room. Today I wanted to explore this idea and take a look at the pros and cons of the junk drawer.

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Living With Less // Decluttering

Here we are again! Another Wednesday!

Confession: I don’t like clutter very much, but I’m not a very motivated declutterer! This poses a big dilemma. So one of my Living With Less quests this year is to really dive in and declutter my spaces. 

To me, “clutter” is all the stuff that accumulates around you. Stuff that doesn’t have a proper home, or just never got put back where it belongs (or junk mail, ha!). Clutter isn’t necessarily what resides in the recesses of your closets. Because it’s not right in front of you, “cluttering” your vision and your mind. So that makes decluttering the act of putting the stuff away, throwing out the garbage, shredding/recycling the junk mail!

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